
Delivery Stories


user image Jfroyale July 15, 2023


On weekends few of my dispatcher take rest, it's something they rotate as so to ensure they have time for other personal things and not just work work work.

Aside days that we have fewer hands at work, there are some deliveries I do myself.

We have some customers who have my numbers for about five years now, these set if customers don't pick calls when my dispatchers call, once I notice their name or number I do the calling mysef, and to open or two person like this ,I just go ahead with delivery even without calling.

I got to the secretariat a few minutes past 12pm and I noticed an unusual queue. At first I wanna inquire what was happening, but something in me said mind your business which is purely delivery.


As I move towards the office i was to deliver I saw this pretty lady as she bend down to pick her biro that fell. As she rose I was surprised to notice I am seeing Shalewa Abisogun.

Who am I seeing? I said with a great surprise on my face, she was in a serious mood and she could bearly articulate her surprise. While we exchange pleasantries , I got to know she came for a job interview. I told her I was here to make a delivery and I was also dress like a rider so that introduced my work to her immediately.

I told her its possible I see her after my delivery, I got her phone number so I can say hi once a while, as I said in my mind the babe still  fine like she was years ago.

I got to the customers office and we had a little chit chat about the item I came to deliver, it's a product for powerful men..if you know you know..if you don't get if forget about it.

In the course of our discussion I told him I met someone I knew among the job applicants outside ,he asked me to call the person in, he asked her few questions and that was how she got the job.

I thanked him for the purchase and successful delivery, I thanked him for the job offer to the lady..as I was going out he called my attention and handed me my tip.

What's a wonderful and blessed day..












Comments (1)

user image Hmmmm. Is it fiction ? Interesting story 🙂